Styled Shoot | Maryland Photographer

A beautiful styled shoot on a local beach in Southern Maryland. We went for a boho princess look and feel. I love how everything came together. For me, this shoot was to be able to get a little creative, and really shoot for me. It’s important as a photographer and artist to continue pushing yourself. I learned a lot, and would love to do another in the future! A shoot out, perhaps?! All of the girls were amazing! I truly had a wonderful time photographing them! Thank you gils! And special thanks to Alycia at Charles Street Photography and Teddi at Bobby Pins and Blush!

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Southern Maryland
All images shown were taken and edited by Jessica Lacey Photography, LLC
Styled shoot collaboared with Charles Street Photography
HMUA Teddi Walker, owner of Bobby Pins & Blush
Two of the little girls dresses | Tutu Monde / Rainey’s Closet rentals
Gold Jewlery Piece by Pink Pewter
DIY Flower Crown & Feathers created by Alycia @ Charles Street Photography

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