Baby Mini Sessions | Maryland Baby Photographer

Another round of awesome baby mini sessions! They are easily becoming a favorite of mine. What is better than playing with cute babies all morning? All four of these sweet peas did awesome!

First we have sweet JLP baby Emma! She was soo smiley and super easy going. Her beautiful skin tone made any color around her look great!
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Evan June2015 (10 of 25)_WEB.jpg

Oh handsome Evan! Those blue eyes and all that hair! Just gorgeous. He was so much fun.
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Sweet sweet Evelyn! I love working with her. She is so laid back and happy!! I could just squeeze her up.
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Penelope, and her beautiful mommy & sister. I love that they did a quick change into mommy’s wedding dress to surprise her daddy on Father’s Day!
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Penelope (13 of 24)_WEB.jpg

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