The Mini VS The Full Session

It has come to a point in my photography career I want to explain to my clients the difference between an outdoor mini session and an outdoor full session! And when each is right for you.


A Mini Session

A mini session is 20-25 minutes long. It is run with about 3 other clients in a row, at the same location, of my choosing. Normally, there are a few set ups specialized to the season. These sessions are PERFECT for in between full sessions. However, they do not come with a USB, digital downloads only. I do not recommend they take the place of a full session.



A Full Session

A full session is an hour long. You have me, all to yourself! Your session is my main focus of the morning or evening. There is more pre-planning to make them unique. The location is your choice. There is more time to get your baby to open up, your toddler to flash smiles my way, to get playful/ candid shots. Outfit changes are welcomed. The result is a beautiful variety of images. And of course you receive double to triple the amount 🙂


Both session has its benefits! In 2016, I will be offering only themed mini sessions! For example, Spring Flower Field, Halloween/ Fall, and Christmas.  This is a business change that I hope benefits my loyal clients who want the most out of there yearly JLP session, as it leaves a little more space in the calendar.

*baby studio mini’s will still be offered year round*


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