JLP 5k Giveaway! | Maryland Photographer

Thank you all for being here! Things have been super busy, in a good way, which has pushed this giveaway back a little. I truly appreciate each of you for your ongoing support of my business.


1.   “Share” this giveaway link on Facebook with “@Jessica Lacey Photography is having a 5k giveaway!!”

2.   Leave a comment below with your name, e-mail, and if you are local (only local entrants will win from JLP)!

3.   Mandatory: “LIKE” ALL Vendors Facebook Pages!

(**Please see Rafflecopter below to enter!**)

There will be 5 winners! One per vendor!

Freshly Picked is giving away a FREE pair of moccasins of your choice!

(You may not have won won any other giveaway including a pair of Freshly Picked moccasins within the last 60 days)


CAKE is giving away a $25 shop credit!



Lemongrass Spa by Jenn Pizza is giving away a FREE pomegranate set!



Wildtree by Jamie Penny is giving away a $25 credit to Wildtree Foods!


Make a purchase from CAKE for 5 extra entry points!


Make a purchase from LEMONGRASS SPA BY JENN PIZZA and earn 5 extra entry points!


Make a purchase from Wildtree By Jamie Penny and earn 5 extra entry points!


And finally,

Jessica Lacey Photography is giving away ONE FREE 16×20 Canvas Print!

Must be a current client, or scheduled for 2015!

Giveaway ends April 6th

Have fun, share, good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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