Tag Archives: Personal

Mom’s Last Chemo | Southern Maryland Photographer

Back Story: My mom was diagnosed with Stage IV Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma in August.  Today was mom’s last scheduled chemo treatment! We laughed just about the entire afternoon and had a wonderful time celebrating this step in her journey. It’s not the end, we know that. There’s a two year maintenance program. But it’s a BIG…

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  • Karen PorterDecember 21, 2012 - 1:31 am

    Your mom is absolutely stunning and so full of life! What an incredible moment to capture and I pray that she beats cancer to a pulp. Thanks for sharing.ReplyCancel

  • tanyaDecember 21, 2012 - 7:49 am

    Jill is such a beautiful and strong woman nothing can ever get her down!! She is truly an amazing person and we love her as if she was one of ours:) I am so happy to hear all this amazing news god has answered all the prayers from not only her but all her family and friends<3..these. pictures made me smile and cry I am so happy for you all..love youReplyCancel

Window Light | Southern Maryland Photographer

I often forget to just catch the moments. Sit back and let them happen. This was happening today so I grabbed my camera and snapped away. I love the results. Just my Little’s. No set up, no props, and they will probably be my favorites years down the road.

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