Category Archives: Portraits

Breastfeeding Art | Southern Maryland Photographer

I want to keep this short and sweet… Breastfeeding is beautiful and rewarding. I have had many requests lately from moms who wish to capture this special time for them and I am happy to do so. This shot was for a good frend of mine and her nine month old daughter.

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  • Vivienne MillerJune 11, 2015 - 3:21 am

    Hi Jessica,

    La Leche League of Northern Anne Arundel celebrates World Breastfeeding month by holding a Live, Love, Latch picnic.

    Would you like to donate your time to photograph some moms or could you donate a gift certificate for a photo session?

    Warmest Regards,

Senior Photographer, Southern Maryland (Sneak Peak)

My beautiful cousin, Kylie, will be a Senior next year! We had a lot of fun during this shoot!

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  • Valencia JohnsonApril 30, 2013 - 1:47 pm

    I have a son who is a senior (home-educated), and I’m looking to have senior pictures done. My dilemma is that my son HATES to take pictures – he feels they are unnatural and contrived.

    My son is a musician, so I would like for him to take pictures with his instrument and tools (trumpet, pencil, manuscript paper, and maybe even at a piano). We’ve only lived in this area for six years and are unfamiliar with what locations may be available. Do you have any suggestions for a location(s) for that scene? We live in a rural area (Hughesville, MD), but my son is the urban/city type.

    I look forward to hearing from you.
